Deja Vu

It's been so long since I last posted I feel like a naughty school kid who has forgotten to do her homework.

I haven't been skiving though, I've actually been in bed ill with the 'flu, and consequently any energy that I did have vanished quicker than you can say 'Myalgic Encephalomyelitis'. [That's M.E/CFS for those who didn't know].

To be honest I'm still not feeling 100% but I'm sick of being sick in bed, and besides, I have two hospital appointments over the next two days to look forward to so I need to return to the land of the living. What joy.

During my confinement I received a letter from the local Psychological Therapies Service to let me know that they've finally managed to get me an appointment, which is where I'm off to tomorrow. It's about bloomin' time - it's been over a year since Kate decided she was going back home to Australia and nearly 9 months since I got the letter from the PTS to let me know that I was being put on their waiting list. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, it's a good job I'm not suicidal or anything.....

Anyway, the appointment is in the morning so I'm feeling rather apprehensive at the moment. I'm not sure that I'm ready to start dragging up my past all over again with yet another therapist, yet I know that this is probably what I need to do in order to get better.

Even so, I can't shake the creepy feeling of d�j� vu.

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