
I've been neglecting my diary a little bit lately, but with good reason I promise!!!

I've been working really, really hard on my website and it's coming along great, although there's still quite a lot of work to do. Claire has been my 'guinea pig', and has come up with some suggestions about how I can make my site a little different, so I owe her a lot. If you haven't already done so please take a look at her website. She spent ages working on it, and it shows!!!

Actually, apart from working on forms for the DHSS and setting up my website I've been leading a rather boring life lately.

I had to go to the dentist earlier today as I thought I'd cracked one of my teeth. Luckily they fitted me in as an emergency patient, but I am really wishing I hadn't gone. I've been told I need to get the tooth pulled as it can't be fixed - thing is, it's one of my wisdom teeth so I know it's going to hurt heaps..... maybe not when they're doing the procedure, but for a few days afterwards at least. Oh, and I need to have a couple of fillings done as well so I've got to go back again tomorrow and have injections and God knows what else shoved in my mouth. Nice. Not.

I phoned Claire when I got home looking for sympathy, but instead all I got was an ear full of hysterical giggles. I know she loves me really though so I let her off, but just wait until she has to go to the dentist next..... she doesn't know I do a good drill impression. Shhh, don't tell her will you???

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