Test Results

I finally got to see my doctor yesterday about my blood test results and about my breathing.

Things aren't looking good..... the liver function test was slightly abnormal, which could be due to the large amount of medication I'm on, but my doctor doesn't seem too concerned. I have to say, I am though. Sure I'm sick, and yes I'm drugged up to my eyeballs every day, but if the medication is having an adverse affect on my liver, surely something should be done about it before the problem gets any worse???

I've also got yet another chest infection so I'm back on the antibiotics again. This time I've been prescribed super strength pills in the hopes that a larger dose will kill the bugs once and for all - good in theory, but in reality they're making me feel even more sluggish and grotty than usual.

On the plus side though I am being referred to a consultant at the chest clinic because this problem with my breathing has been going on for so long [just over 3 years], and at the same time they'll be able to investigate why I keep going blue. My GP seems to think that my occasional smurfette-like appearance could be connected to my breathing problems and the amount of oxygen that's getting, [or rather not getting], into my bloodstream, or it's possible that I have fluid on my lungs, but I got a bit lost with her 'medical language' so I could easily have misunderstood her.

I guess I'm pleased that I'm being referred to the hospital, but at the same time it's another doctor, another person to explain my history to, another round of tests and..... ugh. I've been here so many times before and I'm no better now than I was then.

I guess I'm just not very confident that this time will be any different.

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