Fucking Bitch

I'm so fucking angry right now.

This bitch has decided to steal one of my poems and add it to her own diary without giving me credit. She's changed a few words, but if you take a look at both entries you can easily see that it's my work.

Just in case she decides to delete her entry and therefore give the impression that I am a liar, I have taken these as evidence of her theft:

I'm not the only person that she has done this to either. My friend Kat has also had work of hers stolen by this writer.

What hurts the most, is that both myself and Kat have been through things that no other human being should have to go through. This bitch seems to think that it is ok to steal our most private words and thoughts as if they are nothing.

She obviously has no idea how hard it is to write about being abused, being seriously depressed, having cancer, being suicidal, coping with your friends suicide, being stabbed by your own boyfriend or having a miscarriage. These are all things that have happened to me and Kat at some stage or other in our lives. (I'm not saying which of these happened to who though... regular readers and friends will know the truth).

We both write here because this is our place to let out all the bad thoughts inside us. If it weren't for some of the people we've met through diaryland I'm not sure whether either of us would be here today.

My diary entries, and my writing are what keep me sane. It's a form of therapy for me, and it is the only thing that I think I am truely good at.

Why should she get credit for writing a good poem, when it's the horrors of MY LIFE that have enabled me to come up with a good piece of work???

If she wants my words so much then she should try living the life that accompanies them, the life that enables me to write from my heart about the atrocities that I have, and still am experiencing. Somehow I don't think she'd last longer than 24 hours.

Who the hell does this fucking bitch think she is???

I'm off to dry my tears and give Kat a big hug. I think she could do with one right now.


Added 5:31pm:

Rachel has now added 'written on 9th June 2003' underneath her entry of my stolen poem to make it look as though I took her work.

Now if she wrote it on the 9th, but didn't add it to diaryland until the 11th, how can I have written it in my diary on the 9th???

Shes trying to cover her own tracks, but is doing it badly. She should just admit she is in the wrong!!!


Added 7:30pm:

I have taken advice given by AJ in my guestbook and have got my poem copyrighted before it gets published. If I'd known that this was going to happen I'd have done it a long time ago.

Anyway, you can find details of the copyright by going here.

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