
I woke up feeling rather nostalgic this morning after reading some of my old paper journals last night from a few years back.

The main one that I kept flicking through I began writing when I was 16. At the time I was going out with a guy called David and we were literally joined at the hip for the 18 months that we were together. I can remember those days so vividly as well.

I was quite nervous the first time we went to the cinema together. We met at school you see, and I had my eye on him from day one. We had this 'playground love' thing happening. You must know the type that I'm talking about..... You bitch at each other in a cheeky, flirtatious way, always trying to out do each other. I would leave him notes to irritate him, and tap him on the head with my ruler during lessons just to piss him off. He'd ping my bra straps, put bugs in my pencil case or soak me with water in return. Pretty immature I know. It's a bit like when you played kiss chase at primary school. If you caught the one you 'loved', you never kissed them, you just pushed them over instead. The meaner you were, the more you loved them.

I was crazy about David. We had so much in common, but like all good things the bubble eventually burst. We both changed as we grew up and made new friends at college, and in my case at work. There were no bad feelings when we broke up, we just realised that we would be better off as friends.

I still think about him every so often, and I know he thinks about me as he still calls me quite a lot. He even comes to me for advice if he's upset his current girlfriend or if he wants to spring a nice suprise on her, that's how well we get on. Part of me wonders what would have happened if we had got together when we were a bit older. Would the attraction still have been there from our school days???

I'm happy just being friends with David now though, but there's a little part of me that cares about him more than I really should 6 years on.

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