Diaries From The Past

Stepping into my room, I look over the faded pieces of my life with quiet reminisence. My old stuffed animals are still nestled on my bean bag in the corner, and the pictures of friends and family are secured on the cork board above my bed.

Stepping to the window I look over the world as the dying sun slowly sets; the darkness rising to envelope the world with its bright stars.

Lying back on my bed, I reach for the old diaries lined up on my bookcase, each one a reminder of yesterday. I pull out the first, and find its weight is comforting in my palm. As I begin reading I am strangely calmed by its contents.

Once upon a time there was peace and harmony, a time when I was happy and healthy, and my old diary tells me there will be again someday.

When I shut the gold embossed cover I have to remember that those days formed a chapter of my life which is now closed, and that's the way it should remain.

I desperately want all of this to end, but I don't know where to begin.

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