If I Could Turn Back Time

It's funny how time can change people. Someone can be so sweet and good at one point, and within a few months they can completely turn themselves around.

When I was younger I never realised that as we grow older we grow apart, not just from childhood friends but from family members and everyone else as well. It's kind of sad when you think about it. We are constantly changing, but we never even realise it. I never cherished the good times with my friends and family when I had the chance, and now those times are gone I wish I had taken the time to look a little harder.

It just seems like we are all so caught up in life that we don't take time to really look at each other anymore. We spend every minute thinking of what we will do during the next one. We constantly concentrate on the future, but we never take the time to notice today. We don't notice the look in someones eyes when they are having a bad day, but trying to cover it up by acting happy. We don't notice the small cuts on the arm of the girl standing on her own, because we are too busy talking about how funny she looks and how she has no friends. We don't even notice ourselves and how we are changing every second.

We spend one half of our lives desperately wanting to get older, and the other half desperately wishing that we could go back.....

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