Kids Say The Funniest Things

As usual, before sitting down to write todays entry I read the diaries which I list as favourites of mine. I came across this entry in Sandys journal which made me smile. The things kids come out with are so innocent, so trusting and so cute. It's a shame that they have to grow up and realise how cruel this big wide world can be.

I saw Claire, my Occupational Therapist again today, but I didn't have one of my usual sessions which is why I never mentioned it before. Instead I had to see her to collect a letter that she had written detailing the problems with my health, and how it affects my day to day living so that I can give it to the assessment center tomorrow.

I'm really not looking forward to going. It's not so much that I'm worried about the actual disability assessment itself, I'm just scared of how much the actual travelling will take out of me. I've spent most of today just resting in preparation, and I'm going to get an early night too so that hopefully I wake up 'refreshed' in the morning.

What are the chances of me getting any sleep though??? One of my friends calls me the Cockney Vampire as a joke because I always seem to be up half the night, and he was shocked when I told him that I was going to try and get a decent nights sleep for a change.

Still, if I end up going and look like something out of the Rocky Horror Show it can only work in my favour right???

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