Meet The Cranky One

I'm hurting today and I don't know why. My heart, my soul, my very being just hurts.

I want to sleep, and cry, and hurt myself over and over again. I'm short with everyone, yelling about things that don't matter. I'm cranky and irritable.

I just want to stop feeling this way, but I can't. It's like I'm watching myself from a distance, unable to alter things. I just sit and hate myself as I watch them happen.

I want to feel better. Maybe if I take more pills like my doctor wants me to, things like this wouldn't happen, but I'm on 20 pills a day at the moment and I really don't want to be on any more.

I'm tired and just depressing myself more, so I'm going to go and read Cheers, (the AYME members magazine).

I'm sorry!!!

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