Summer Dreams

I couldn't update again last night thanks to diaryland, so here's yesterdays entry. I'll try and get todays in on time!

5th March 2003

Mr B doesn't feel well today and I can't help thinking it has something to do with the pancake disaster from yesterday. I only ate one pancake as I'm not really supposed to be eating anything like that at the moment so I feel fine, (well, it's only the M.E. making me feel pants, nothing else). I don't think he'll be rushing to make me anything to eat again - he's safer getting me flowers!

Kat sent me a minature windmill toy which arrived today. I used to get them at the beach all the time when I was a kid, and I had great fun sitting here blowing it round and remembering happier days from my childhood.

Now all I need is a huge stick of rock, some sunshine, lots of sand, and sunburnt shoulders and I'll feel right at home.

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