Sorry It's Late

I came to update my diary last night and wasn't able to because of the 'temporary problems' with the diaryland server. Maybe they haven't heard of time differences???. Anyway, below is the entry that I tried to post last night.

3rd March 2003

I really, really didn't want to get out of bed this morning, so I didn't. Isn't it great being an adult???

I lazed about all morning until I had to go and get ready for my dietitians appointment, but even then I kept turning back to my bed thinking to myself how inviting it looked.

The diet has been going quite well, although I feel hungry at strange times, and feel more tired than usual. Debbie, my dietitian, is very pleased with me though as I've managed to lose another 3 pounds in weight, but I'm a little concerned that I'm losing too much too fast. I've dropped nearly a stone in 2 1/2 months. That isn't healthy is it???

I was tempted to buy myself a small bar of chocolate as a treat on my way home, but I know that if I ate anything sweet I'd feel even more sick than usual. I nearly always feel sick these days. It's as if my digestive system has ground to a halt and the food just sits there in my stomach playing cards or something.

I've got another appointment tomorrow, this time with Claire, my Occupational Therapist. I'm not sure what we are going to be doing in this session. Usually she warns me in advance, but it was so long ago that I last saw her that I can't remember the plan of action. Maybe she'll suprise me and it'll be something nice and relaxing.

Well, I can dream can't I???

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