Teachers Pet

Tomorrow is officially the day that my Open Uni course starts, so this afternoon I thought I'd take a look at my on-line tutor group and try and figure out how to submit my assignments via the internet. What I wasn't expecting was over 300 messages from other people all over the country taking the same course, and two messages from people that have already completed at least one assignment. Geez, the course hasn't even begun yet, but some boffins have already done a third of the years work!

I bet they were exactly the same at school. You know the kind of people I mean - 'the teachers pet' types. The ones that would hand their homework in on time, that would grass on you if you done something naughty in class; the ones that would say 'yes sir', 'no sir' and 'how high did you want me to jump sir?'; the ones that were the first to volunteer to hand out textbooks, or put their hands up to answer a question in class. Just the kind of student that I never was, and probably never will be.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't got anything against good/clever students, but it bugs me that these select few have gone rushing off ahead and are trying to 'play up' to our tutors already. It makes the rest of us look bad. There's 20 people in my tutor group, and none of us have even attempted the first essay, (which is due on 26th February by the way), let alone read any of the 6 textbooks. I'm secretly hoping that by rushing ahead these people will have got everything completely wrong and will have to go back and redo everything all over again..... it'd serve them right for being so (I can't think of the right word here) cocky!

I'm off to see the dietitian tomorrow about the anti-candida diet. I'm still not eating properly, and am getting to the point where I don't even feel hungry anymore which isn't good at all. Quite a few people left messages for me in my guesbook or by e-mail suggesting the complan drinks (thank you to all of you), but I think most of these are made with milk, which I can't have as it makes me very sick. If anyone has any other suggestions they'd be much appreciated.

I guess I should really get some sleep as I need to be up early, so I wish you all sweet dreams.

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