Birthday Eve

I feel worn out after yesterdays little shopping trip, but I still had to go out and get my medication from the chemist again.

I got to the chemist about 6:00pm, (I thought the longer I left it the more chance I had of actually getting my tablets today), NO CHANCE. The lady behind the counter went through the 'log book and the pending file but there was still no sign of a prescription with my name on it. Grrrrr. Luckily the surgery is only next door so I marched in there to kick some medical ass only to find that the receptionist had already gone home. The words 'effing' and 'useless' quickly came to mind, along with quite a few other phrases which are unsuitable to type here due to my younger readers.

I hung about in the waiting room for about 15 minutes and one of the other doctors appeared. After a further 10 minutes of explaining what the eff had been going on I persuaded him to write me a prescription (he was able to check my details on the computer so he knows I'm not a drug crazed loony - well not yet anyway).

Armed with my little green slip of paper I headed back to the chemists just as they were closing. The head pharmacist recognised me though and agreed to sort out everything that I needed there and then before he went home. What a nice man..... a very, very nice man!!!

Becky asked today what time I was born. Bit of an odd question, but here's the answer for you all anyway. I was born at 6:30am, on the 6th December and I weighed 6 pound 6 ounces. I think that explains a lot don't you??? It's a good thing I wasn't a boy - Mum thought about calling me Damien at one point (that was before I was born obviously) - can you imagine if she had actually put Damien on my birth certificate? Ugh..... don't even want to think about it.

Also, before I forget.....

One of my non diaryland friends has decided to begin writing a diary, (guess that makes him a diarylander now though doesn't it? hmmmm). He is a really nice guy, and also has M.E/CFS so knows what a lot of you are going through. I thought it might be nice if a few people dropped in on him to say hi so please click here to go to Joe Blacks diary. I know you'll all make him feel welcome.

Righty, I'm off to bed now as I want to feel ok for my birthday tomorrow. It doesn't matter how old you are, you still get excited even though not many will admit it..... and before any of you ask me, I'm going to be 23.

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