The Fall

I'm feeling slightly happier today but I'm not too sure why. I didn't sleep that well, I have a really bad headache, and I feel 'fluey', as well as having a stomach ache and feeling sick. Maybe I dreamed of being in a better life than this one, who knows???

Earlier Mum ran out of milk so I offered to take a short walk to the newsagents for her - I also thought the fresh air might help clear my headache. It's only about 2 minutes walk, but it seems to take me at least 30 minutes, 10 minutes to get there, 10 minute rest on the wall outside the shop, then a 10 minute walk back again.

On my way home I saw an old lady (I don't know her name) who lives on the same road as me walking ahead of me. She was walking with a stick, (it's obvious that she has mobility problems, and is unsteady on her feet hence the stick), and was struggling with a bag of shopping. Normally I'd offer to help, but this time she was too far in front for me to offer to carry it for her. Anyway, some inconsiderate person had thrown their crisp packet on the floor and the lady didn't see it and slipped, falling backwards and banging her head pretty hard on the concrete pavement. I guess the rain made it more slippery than usual. I hurried to her (as quickly as my M.E would let me) and luckily she was conscious but pretty shaken and was having difficulty getting up unaided. I'm not strong enough to pick her up on my own, so I decided to knock at peoples doors for help, and out of the 6 houses I tried only 1 man would help me. Can you believe that???

Well, once we got her inside and sat the lady down we noticed that her head was bleeding quite badly so the guy (I don't know his name either) said he'd call a doctor and that he'd look after the old lady until the doc arrived. I suggested that I stayed too, but the guy could see that I wasn't looking so hot myself and told me to get off home. I felt bad leaving, but there wasn't really too much I could do. Still, I'm a little worried that the old lady really hurt herself, so I have decided that if I feel ok tomorrow I'll try and pop round to see how she is myself.

What else??? Well, I wrote some birthday cards and wrapped some presents today after I'd had my afternoon rest, and I managed to find my list of people to send Christmas cards to too. I think I'll have to do them in stages though - you know when you get to the stage when you think 'well I have to send so and so a card, and 'cos I'm sending him/her one I'll have to send X one, and Y one too, then the next thing you know you have a list as long as your arm of cards to write. Maybe I should invest in a stamp with my name on it so all I have to do is ink it and press it on each card. Now there's a thought.....

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