You Went To Bed When???

This sleep problem of mine is getting beyond a joke! Although I took a sleeping tablet last night and got that nice floaty feeling I still found that I was unable to visit the land of nod. In fact I was up all night, and all morning, and finally went to bed at ummmmm, 1:00pm ish this afternoon.

I managed to catch Tippie on MSN though (time difference makes things hard). It's been ages since we last spoke so it was really good to hear from her. Unfortunately she hasn't been feeling at all well lately - her Lupus has been getting her down and shes had another infection which hasn't helped. On a good point though her Aunts tumor has shrunk so it looks like the chemotherapy is working. I'm so pleased for them. I know that Tippie was worried sick and felt guilty for not being able to go to the hospital to vist because of her own illness.

Mark (my cousin) phoned me earlier to see if I wanted to go to the pub with him again, but this time I was sensible and refused. I'm still suffering from last Fridays outing and I really don't want to feel any worse.

I guess this just about wraps it up for today! I hope you are all well.

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