That Song

I didn't feel at all well today, which I think is a combination of not getting anough sleep last night and my little 'adventure' on Friday.

As I didn't feel well I cancelled my appointment with Claire (Occupational Therapist) and re-arranged for me to go see her next Tuesday instead.

In an attempt to stop myself from getting totally bored I thought I'd download some music from WinMX, and as I sat here in front of my computer I began thinking again. Isn't it funny how songs you choose to listen to seem to echo how you are feeling??? What I mean is how the lyrics explain the ideas in your head, and the rhythm, feeling and music explain everything else. You hear a song and deep down inside you feel something, but you're not sure what that something is, you can just relate to the person belting out the words and the pure emotion in their voice.

I believe that this is one of the most beautiful things in the world; to hear a song and feel like it explains everything you know and feel at that precise moment in time.

It's funny because I've never thought about this before, but there are a few songs that have made me stop and made my heart catch. Hands by Jewel is one, along with Under The Bridge by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Imagine by John Lennon. I'm sure that there are 100's of others that I could name if I stopped to think about this a little longer. What song would you say made you feel this way???

Ok, enough babbling for now, I'm off to the land of nod, (I hope).

[p.s. I got a message from Father Ted, so theres no need to send out the search parties afterall, and in case you were wondering he is just fine (I think.....)]

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