Let Me Take The Pain.....

I'll never change the world. No matter how hard I try I cannot remove peoples pain - although I wish it were possible. No one deserves to hurt, not a single person on earth, (except maybe murderers or child molesters), but for one reason or another we do. There isn't a person alive that hasn't felt pain at some point in their life. Some people have more pain than others..... more than their fair share, without any hint of a reason why. It's not because they are bad people, thats just the way their life has been laid out - the road they have to follow.

What kind of trick is being played, when those who don't deserve it hurt so bad???

Sometimes I wish I could take away peoples pain, even if it's only for a day so that they can feel 'normal' again..... but no matter how much I'd like to do this I can't change the way of the world, or peoples fate/destiny. What will be will be.

I guess this is one of the reasons I want to take my Open University course, so I can try and help and make a difference. I know I'll never be able to take pain away, but maybe I can make it more bearable???

Oh, I almost forgot - HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

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