Angelinas Sparkley New Diary

Early morning - I knew there would be people here on Immune Support that I could chat to - their early evening is our middle of the night, so theres always someone to keep you company when you can't sleep.

Tonight (or should that be this morning???) Tippie is here again, along with Dramma, Kathy and Angelina (my twin - we are both British, have redish hair (not ginger please), both have M.E/CFS, both born in December, both have difficulty eating wheat and sugary products, both like reading - the list goes on). Anyway, I've agreed to help Angelina sign up for her very own on-line diary. By using a handy little programme called instant messaging I can guide her through it without any problems I hope...... I've never been too good at explaining stuff to other people, plus the brainfog may set in before completion and who knows what she'll end up with as a template!!!

10:47am - Have completed Angelinas diary after a couple of hiccups, but have still not yet been to bed. Right now I'm feeling pretty awful, and I guess lack of sleep is not helping so I'm off to bed to try and catch a few zzzzz's. Will write more later.

3:45pm - Well, as of now I still haven't got any sleep. Someone keeps calling me and hanging up as soon as I answer the phone. I really hate it when that happens, especially when I'm nackered. If someone has dialled the wrong number why not apologise???

9:50pm - Finally got a few zzzz's but now I doubt I'll sleep again tonight. I'm never going to get my sleep pattern right at this rate. It isn't just my sleep pattern thats out of sync, I'm finding that I'm eating dinner at 1:00am too. Now theres nothing wrong with eating at 1:00am when you're grabbing a kebab on the way home from the pub, but its a definite no no cooking a meal from scratch at that time of night!!!

I'm going to fiddle about with my new template and see what I can do to make it look a bit better.

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