The Sort Of Apology

Mr B has asked if he can come pop round tonight for a few minutes to see me. I must admit that I'm not keen on the idea 'cos I really don't feel well, but he says he's got something to give me so I'll give him a chance.

7:30pm - Mr B has just left. He gave me a cuddly toy of Eeyore, (I'm a Winnie the Pooh fan - never really grew out of it from when I was a kid), and a letter apologising for the argument we had last night. He says he gets annoyed and frustrated because he's scared of losing me, and because he wants to make me better and can't. I've explained to him a thousand times that his grumpyness and the arguements have the same affect on me as stress and yet again he's told me he will try and be less moody - famous last words!!!

Healthwise I feel like death warmed up. I think this candida thing is coming back again as my throats beginning to get sore and I feel really sick, which gets worse as soon as I eat or drink anything. I've taken my temperature and its ever so slightly raised, (you should have seen me with the thermometer stuck to my forehead - hilarious I promise you). I've got a massive headache (probably from lack of sleep) and my breathing is bad, (which I know is due to Mum smoking like a chimney as she's had a bad day at work). I know I'm gonna have to go back to the doctors if this carries on, but after the last few experiences I sometimes feel I'd be better off without them.

Ugh, just want to go back to bed!!!

11:30pm - Ok, I give up, sleep has eluded me again so I've decided to look up my buddies at Immune Support. So far Benefit is the only person here that I know, but I'm sure someone else will come along soon.

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