August Bank Holiday Weekend

I guess all in all I've had a pretty good bank holiday weekend.

Today Mr B took me to a local diner called Frankie and Bennys. I thought I'd been there before with him ages ago but I was wrong. The food was scrummy (and the waiters weren't bad either).

After dinner we got a film from Blockbusters called Mr Accident. It's supposed to have been a comedy, but neither of us found it funny so we ended up turning it off and watching repeats of Gimmie Gimmie Gimie on UK Gold - now that is one funny programme!!!

I enjoyed myself a lot this weekend, so much so that now I'm beginning to feel really sad. This is how my life should be all the time, not just once in a blue moon when I've got energy in reserve. I'm beginning to feel quite ill again; the heart palpitations, sore throat and headaches are back. I'm exhausted, and every muscle in my body is screaming at me to stop writing this entry, but I want to get this out of my system.

I feel like I'm being punished for having fun, which just isn't fair. It really upsets me when I begin to feel worse after enjoying a few days of my life - there aren't many of them that I do enjoy right now.

I know I'm gonna end up in bed for most of tomorrow and possibly Wednesday as well, but I'm just gonna have to grin and bear it.....

This is what it's like Living With M.E.

Until the next time, look after yourself and have as much fun as you can.

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