Sleepless Nights

Bedtime Bear
You are usually asleep on the job but that's okay because your job is to make sure everyone gets enough sleep! You're shy and sweet..... when you are actually awake! Getting sleepy already?
Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz!

Ugh!!! I had about an hours sleep last night and I'm suffering for it now. I feel absolutely exhausted and my throat is beginning to get sore again.

I don't normally sleep well when I stay at Mr B's flat anyway; there are too many strange noises.

Take last night for example. The bloke who lives in the flat upstairs must have gone out and left his keys indoors, because when he got home about 4:30am he was shouting to his mate to let him in. When that didn't wotk he started throwing pebbles against the window in an attempt to get his mate up too. I don't know if it worked or not, but thanks to his antics I was wide awake again.

Not being able to sleep must be one of the most frustrating things about living with ME/CFS. If I were healthy I would have been asleep a long time ago - especially as I didn't sleep much last night, but instead I'm creeping round my house like a burglar so I don't disturb my Mum. What is there to do in the middle of the night??? Do I read???, Watch T.V???.

It feels like my insomnia has been going on forever. I can't atually remember the last time when I was in bed asleep before 11:00pm. My doctor has prescribed me some sleeping tablets (Zopiclone - or soppy clowns as I have affectionately nicknamed them), but I don't want to take them all the time as I've been told they are addictive and I don't want to rely on drugs to make me sleep. At the moment though I only get a decent nights sleep when I take either one antidepressant and one sleeping tablet, or when I take two antidepressants.

Why don't my doctors realise that living like this is not good for my health???

Anyway, I guess I'd better try and get some sleep, so until the next time look after yourself.

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