Phone Calls + DWP = Giro

After numerous phone calls I think I finally managed to speak to the only sympathetic lady within the DWP. Hoorah!

I was able to get a replacement medical certificate from my doctor without any problems and, as suggested by the nice lady from their call centre, a copy of it was faxed over to the DWP that morning.

When I phoned her back later in the afternoon to confirm that my fax had indeed been received she�d already processed it, had arranged for a giro to be issued and had already stuck it in the post so it would be sent to me the same day.

Now, 2 days later, the giro has actually arrived! I�ve yet to take it to the bank [I�m going to do that tomorrow] and I will still have to wait for it to clear my bank account which will take a few days, but at least I can relax a little knowing that I will have some money to live on this month.


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