Happy Birthday To Me

I've been really bad at updating here recently. I'm sorry, I don't mean to leave it so long between entries, it's just that time kind of runs away with me, and before I know it two weeks have passed.

Anyway, as of today I'm now in my mid-twenties, and yet I still can't help feeling disappointed when I don't hear from my Dad on my birthday. Every year it's the same; I wait, and I wonder, 'will this year be the year???' but of course, it never is. It's silly really, isn't it???

But despite that I've still had a wonderful day, partly thanks to some very special friends who went out of their way to make today a happy one for me. [Thanks guys!]

So now I'm going to leave you all in peace, and go and pig out on what's left of my birthday cake.

Happy Tuesday all!

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