Silver Lining

I'm feeling pretty upbeat today. I have to admit, it's hard not to look at all my bad luck and not feel a little disappointed and frustrated about it though. It's hard not to question 'why me???'

Can you imagine how frustrated I felt last week when I was diagnosed with TMJ, [Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome], on top of everything else???

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but for a few months now I've been getting pain in both sides of my jaw, which, at times, has made talking and eating very uncomfortable. Part of me wanted to believe it was connected to the joint pain associated with my M.E/CFS, but still, it's nice to finally know the true cause, although I can't deny that at the same time I'm getting a bit fed up of receiving a new diagnosis every 6 months or so. [And I'm finding it hard to remember the medical abbreviations for them all - at this rate I'll soon be able to put more letters after my name than a fully qualified doctor!]

Up until 5 years ago I was 100% healthy, [other than the usual coughs, colds, sore throats and the 'occasional' hangover], and now I can't help but wonder what I'm going to develop next. My M.E/CFS sure has got a lot to answer for.

But then I look at life around me, and I see that things could be so much harder, that I really am blessed. Even on days it's hard to see that, I know for the most part that I am. I guess I need to focus more on what I have, not what I don't have. Or focus more on the good things in my life, and not all the bad.

People say that every cloud has a silver lining; I just need to find mine and hold on tight.

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