21 Grams

"How many lives do we live??? How many times do we die??? They say we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of our death. Everyone. And how much fits into 21 grams??? How much is lost??? When do we lose 21 grams??? How much goes with them??? How much is gained??? How much is gained??? 21 grams; the weight of a stack of five nickels. The weight of a hummingbird, a chocolate bar. How much does 21 grams weigh???"

Sean Penn in "21 Grams"

Easily, one of the most beautiful films I believe I have ever seen, up to this point. Something about it strikes a chord with me.

On another note I wish I could take the worries away from a friend of mine. Give her something to replace them with. Something she can cling to. But as it is, she doesn't want anything but what she has. And I can do nothing to change that, though she is doing everything to change from who she is into someone else.

And now, I'm not sure I know her anymore.

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