Note Bitch

I have been cleaning the computer armoire; arranging stuff, dusting, sorting through notes. I am Note Bitch. I think that may be my official title, at least for this hour.

I think I must have inherited this habit from my Uncle. He keeps notes everywhere too: folded in his pockets, on his desk, dresser, etc. He is Note Man. He used to be Danger Man when me and my cousins were kids because everything could potentially kill you according to him. He has lightened up on that, thankfully. But the notes, they keep multiplying like little paper bunnies.

When he was here one evening discussing the funeral arrangements with my Mum, one of his notes fell out of his pocket and I found it later and kept it. [I asked him if he needed it first.] I might start collecting other people's notes, in addition to my own. Now, there's a hobby. And it doesn't cost money, unless you get sued for stealing someone's notes. Don't steal.

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