Sometimes Life Does Smile On Me

There is an apple danish with my name on it waiting for me in the kitchen, along with a fresh cup of vanilla tea. Sometimes life does smile on me.

I am wondering about everything lately. If I ever figured it all out, what would I do??? At this point in my life knitting and needlework don't interest me in the slightest, although I have to admit the act of knitting looks quite relaxing, like a form of meditation. I have a feeling it must be: you can see that just by looking at the expression on a knitting person's face. Writing is like that for me I guess. I go somewhere else when I write.

I will keep trying to figure it all out, I suspect. But I will also keep hoping that there will forever be enough mysteries to keep me rich with theories and wonder. I secrectly love all those things unseen, those elusive beauts.

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