Back Again

It's certainly been a while since I last updated - too long by far, but thank you to those of you who sent e-mails, notes and text messages to see how I am - I was thinking of you even though I couldn't always reply straight away!!!

Well, the main reason for my absence was the lack of a working phone line which meant I couldn't connect to the internet for longer than 5 minutes at a time, but finally, [after about 3 weeks], BT have provided us with new phones and have got the actual line itself working again. I've spent the last couple of hours trawling through the 100's of spam e-mails to find the ones that are actually worth reading - I didn't realise I got so much junk coming through my inbox!!!

During my mini-break I had to go to the hospital to get the results from my endoscopy and from the scan of my stomach. It turns out that I don't have gastritis like the doctors originally thought - I actually have something called Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease as well as Oesophagitis, and the hiatus hernia which I already knew about has got worse too.

Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease is a condition where the muscular ring at the bottom of the oesophagas is abnormally relaxed therefore allowing the stomachs acid and contents to reflux. [Ewwwww] Oesophagitis is inflammation of the lining of the osephagas itself - these two conditions are related and could have contributed to the hiatus hernia getting worse. Nice huh??? I've been placed on another medication by the doctors at the hospital and I have to go back again in October. They're also considering doing more tests to rule out IBS among other things if these new tablets don't seem to help, but the idea of having a camera up my butt doesn't really appeal to me too much.....

Mum still hasn't found a job, but she has been to our local adult education centre to discuss possible courses so it looks as though she'll be going back to school soon. I keep threatening to make her a packed lunch but she doesn't seem to find it funny for some reason!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick update now that I can use the internet properly again. Normal writing will resume shortly.....

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