Walking On Egg Shells

I didn't feel like updating my diary yesterday. I had to go to the dentist to have some more work done, and what with the journey and the injections by the time I got home I felt pretty grim. I was told that it's going to take a few days for my tooth to stop hurting, but it's really started playing up this evening. The bad thing is I can't take any pain killers - nothing strong enough to take the edge off anyway.

I must be the worst person to live around right now. The mood swings are getting more frequent but they appear without warning and I'm sick to death of them. My poor Mum told me today that she feels like she's walking on egg shells; her confession making me feel about two inches tall. I don't even realise I'm snapping at her until it's too late. I catch the hurt look in her eye and the defensive body language, then 10 seconds later I'm boo hooing like a baby and she's the one comforting me, when really it should be the other way round.

My cousin bought me two books the other day which I guess is his way of trying to help. One is called Coping With Anxiety And Depression and the other is Coming Off Tranquilizers, Sleeping Tablets And Anti-Depressants. Both look like they'll be quite informative and to be honest I can't wait to get stuck in. I'll feel like I'm doing something positive to help myself, and that'll make me feel better I'm sure.

For now though I'm going to go and eat cake. It was Mums birthday yesterday so we've got plenty left over..... and it's chocolate. Yum!!!

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