Welcome To The World

I don't talk about my friends lives very much in my diary, and I don't often have good news to share with you all, but for a change today I'm going to do both.

Some of you may remember me mentioning my oldest friend Kelly a couple of times.....

Well last night Kelly gave birth to a little boy and she has asked me to be his God Mother. I'm really flattered to be asked - at best I was hoping to be an honory Aunt or something, so to be asked to be his God Mother has completely overwhelmed me. She's already taken to calling me 'Aunt Jo' for a laugh which sounds so weird, but not as weird as it did when I called her 'Mum'. I can't believe my best friend is a Mother. I guess this whole baby thing is going to take some getting used to for all of us.

At the moment she hasn't chosen a name. In fact the baby was born nearly 2 months premature, (hence the lack of names), and only weighed a little over one pound when he was born so right now he's in the special baby unit at the local hospital. Nobody is sure how long he's going to be in there for, poor little guy. She has however decided that his middle name will be Geoff in memory of our friend who died.

Kelly met Geoff through me when we were about 12, and although his death didn't affect her as badly as it did me, she is still pretty cut up over it too. She was also there with us the night he died and I think that the fact that she has decided to name her baby after him goes to show what a special guy she thought Geoff was. We don't often talk about him because we both find it too upsetting, but this is the best tribute that anyone could have ever paid him and wherever he is now I know for a fact he's going to have the biggest cheesy grin on his face.

It's funny, because as I said in one of my entries earlier this month, October is the anniversary of Geoffs death, but now instead of dreading it each year I think in future I'm going to be able to look forward to October and celebrate his life rather than remember his death.

I'm hoping that I'm going to be well enough to go to the hospital this week with Kelly to see her baby. It's been ages since I actually last saw her, although we often speak on the phone. I've missed her so much.

Welcome to the world kiddo!!!

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