
We still don't know what's happening about Mums job, and the not knowing is the worst part. Generally though I think the last few months have finally caught up with Mum and I'm really worried about her.

She went to see our doctor earlier this week and has been prescribed anti depressants, not because she's depressed but to help her sleep, and ever since she has been acting kind of weird. It's nothing that I can put my finger on - she's just not acting like my Mum. I guess it's hard to explain unless you know her. Hopefully once her body gets used to the medication things will get back to normal..... whatever that is.

Since I last updated I also managed to drop my laptop on my foot. Luckily it isn't broken, (the laptop I mean), but my foot is rather bruised and swollen so I cancelled this weeks appointment with Kate. Now I'm wishing I hadn't.

In a way I feel like I'm beginning to rely on Kate a little too much though. Each week I store up all the 'problems' and talk through them with her, and although she keeps telling me that's what she's there for, I can't help thinking to myself 'what will I do when I finally stop seeing her for treatment???' I need to learn not to depend on her quite so much, and learn how to deal with everything better on my own.

That's just it though..... I can't cope on my own.

I also got lovely cards from Kathy and Vicky which helped cheer me up. Thanks guys!!!

I know that I'm not completely alone, but I don't want to off load my problems onto my friends - they have their own problems/illnesses to deal with - they don't need me/mine on top of their own worries.

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