Thinking Of You

I'm gazing out of the window, wishing for you on a distant star.

I am alone in my solitude, all by myself in the privacy of my room. I feel the cool summer breeze rushing past my open window. I hear it rustling through the green leafy plants and trees, and there, far away, is one distant star shining bright. Twinkling to it's own rhythm and sparkling like a diamond. Is that you??? Are you trying to tell me you know I'm thinking of you???

My tired body propped against the wall, I sit here holding your pillow to me. My eyes are alive, wide open, searching the vast skies and boundless heavens, my thoughts wandering, streaming inside my brain.

There have been many times over the last couple of years that I've wished you were still here to look out for me. If you were I doubt I'd be in this pickle, but then I've never made things easy for myself have I??? I remember you used to tease me relentlessly about the messes I got myself into. I guess nothing has changed there has it???

So, here I am, laying across my bed, my thoughts dancing to my stars rhythm.

I have therapy again tomorrow, but strangely I feel calm instead of my usual panicky self. I wonder how long this feeling will last???

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