Those Girls

I feel like a bug splattered on the front bumper of a big fat truck, and the worst part of feeling this way is the bitterness that comes tagging along for the ride.

I noticed today that I get all edgy when I hear teenage girls in some soap or other giggling and looking coy. I mean I know they are only characters on t.v, but there really are girls like that in real life too. I just want to strangle them. Is that wrong???

It isn't just the perkiness, it's the fake laughs as well. Every time I hear that fake laugh, or a hollow compliment tossed out, it goes right though me making my skin crawl. I can't help but wonder, do I ever sound that way to people??? I hope someone slaps me in the head if I do. Those girls, with their fake laughs and their phony attitudes are the worst kind. Those are the girls who can't stop batting their eyelashes and flipping their hair when there is someone with a dick nearby. I never liked those girls.

I think at one point I tried to be that way, I wanted to be flirty and fun but it didn't work out. Why should I do the mating dance for every guy I see??? No matter what I looked like I couldn't be that way. The fact that I was fatter back then made me shy around guys, but even when I lost my teenage puppy fat and became more outgoing I didn't act like an airhead.

I've also just heard that there's been a murder in my home town. The poor girl was only 13. What kind of creeps are our society harbouring these days???

I'm sorry this entry sounds so lame. I feel drained and flat. My brain is jumping from one subject to another and none of my thoughts form a cohesive update no matter how many times I start over.

Time for my medication I think.....

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