Sick..... Again..... Yes, Again.....!!!

Remember I said yesterday that I needed a chat with my GP??? Well, I ended up seeing her a lot quicker than I thought I would. Is it possible to jinx yourself???

I felt pretty awful last night, but I assumed that it was because I'd used all my energy going to see my dietitian. I was wrong. I woke up this morning with a temperature of around 103 degrees, (although I'm not sure exactly how accurate our thermometer is), and the glands in my neck were more swollen than they've been for a long time. My throat is scratchy and raw, and because of the size of my glands I am finding it even more difficult to breathe than normal. It feels as though I have someones hands around my throat trying to strangle me, and each time I swallow it feels like I'm choking. My head is pounding, every sound is magnified tenfold and each time I stand I almost pass out from dizzyness. Mum took the day off work so that she could stay with me.

So..... I'm back on antibiotics..... again..... for the millionth time this year.

I did mention my concerns about my rapid weight loss to my doctor, and once 'this', (whatever 'this' may be), has cleared up she's going to arrange for me to have blood tests done again, just to be on the safe side. It may simply be due to the new diet, but even she agreed that I shouldn't have lost this much weight this quickly.

After I post this entry I'm going to haul my sick ass back to bed and hope that the antibiotics kick in soon. I'm not sure if I'll be back later on or not, so I'll reply to any messages/e-mails as soon as I feel well enough.

Love to you all.

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