Irrational, Paranoid and Over Sensitive

Ok, maybe I over reacted just a little bit. I've been told, more times than I'd prefer, that I'm irrational, paranoid and oversensitive. I'm going to blame the medication.

I've gone from 'cold-hearted' to 'over sensitive' in just a few months, and as you can guess, this bothers me terribly.

I can't help how I feel, what upsets me, and the extent of it. Trust me, I've tried. I don't like living like this, any more than you like hearing about it.

It's not like I enjoy being fragile, or that I'm gaining anything positive because of it. I'd keep my mouth shut, but apparently keeping it all bottled up isn't a good idea either.

So what do I do???

The little things that most people overlook, the things that don't matter, mean a lot to me. It's almost considered an unwritten rule that little things will upset me. What am I going to be like when something bigger comes along???

I'm fragile. I'm fucked up. I'd really like it to stop now.....


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