Full or Empty???

When asked if a glass is half empty or half full, some people will decide that you are an optimist or a pessimist, depending on your answer.

Me??? I guess I'm not really either. I'm the one that has to be awkward and say that the glass contains only half the amount of liquid it can hold without spilling over.


I hate giving straight answers to questions. Not because I want to be a pain in the butt, but because I am always afraid that the answer I give will be the wrong one.

I spent years having ex-boyfriends yell at me for making the wrong choices, and in the end it was easier to hold my hands up and go along with whatever they wanted. I figured that the 'model girlfriend' would do everything in her power to make her boyfriend happy, whether she herself was happy or not, but in the end it was me that suffered.

Every time I sat back and let them take control of the situation, I gave away another little part of my life.

Since finally splitting up with Mr B I feel like I'm getting back some of the control I lost.

It may not be much, but it's a start.

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