The Other Girl

I saw Mr B today for the first time since we split up. Apparently he's getting something delivered during the week and his Mum has agreed to wait in for whatever it is to arrive, so he needs the spare keys for his flat back. I didn't even realise I still had them.

It was weird speaking to him on the phone. Part of me wanted to hang up, curl up into a ball and sob into my pillow, the other part of me wanted to go take a shower, put on some make-up, and put on a nice top and pair of trousers that he always loved seeing me in. I wanted to lay there and feel sorry for myself, but at the same time I wanted to show him what he was missing out on.

As my bad luck goes though he turned up early, so he caught me with my hair tied up and held in place with a pen, wearing my ancient (but very comfy) snoopy pajamas, munching away on an apple. Oh the shame!!!

I asked him if he wanted to come in for a while, but he said he was in a rush and just stopped to get the keys. It was then that I looked at his car, and noticed a very slim, very blonde, very dressed person sitting in the passenger seat. I'd never seen her before so I have no idea who she is, but my spotting her made Mr B look pretty uncomfortable. I don't think he wanted me to notice her.

I don't know why I think that. I'm probably just over-reacting, and reading more into it than there actually is, but I do know I'm jealous, (although jealous isn't really the word I'm looking for), as hell. Not because he had some girl in his car, but because it was only 12 days ago that we split up and he had the nerve to bring some other girl to my home. I don't care who she is, its the principle of the whole thing. If I'd taken some guy to his flat to drop the keys off for him they'd probably have ended up fighting in the street. Why is it one rule for him and another for me???

More importantly.....

Why do I care???

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