The Day After The Night Before

I tried to do some of my course again this afternoon, but I'm too dizzy and lethargic to concentrate on any of the facts and figures so I gave up after about half an hour.

I've also hidden the phone in my wardrobe and surrounded it with cushions so that I can try and get some sleep. So far today three of my friends have called me, my Mum has had a couple of calls from her friends and we've had 3 orders for pizzas. (Don't ask... it's been going on for years - every time someone calls to place an order we just take the details now and hang up... strangely the 'customer' never calls back to find out what's taking so long though.....). Don't get me wrong, I love talking to my friends, and am always pleased to hear from them, but sometimes everyone just wants to lay in bed and be left alone to their thoughts, and today is one of them days for me.

Mr B is still annoyed with me; even more so today than yesterday, although he only has himself to blame. Like I said in yesterdays entry, it was our friends birthday so everyone went to the pub to celebrate. Again, as I didn't show up it gave some of Mr B's so called 'friends' an opportunity to bitch about me behind my back like they did the last time they all got together and got drunk. However, this time Mark happened to be in the pub at the same time with his friends, and overheard them talking.

Now out of the whole group, Mr B was the only person that actually knew who Mark was, but he was so drunk that he didn't even notice Mark standing nearby. He soon introduced himself to Mr B's friends though and stood up for me. He told all Mr B's so called 'friends' exactly why I never went out with them all and why I don't work etc, and a few of them looked pretty shocked. They were under the impression that I was just 'tired' all the time, and the only person that that could have come from is Mr B himself.

Boy did he get a rollocking when he called me this evening!!!

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