Some-Trouble Does NOT = Verbal Punchbag

It seems that someone somewhere is advertising the fact that I have family living in France, as over the last 24 hours I have received no less than 18 e-mails calling me all the names under the sun, telling me that my family deserve to 'rot in hell', and should be 'blown up with the rest of the Froggy Bas***ds' etc etc etc, and you have no idea how much that hurts. The cruelty of these people actually had me in tears last night, and I was so angry that I didn't want to write a proper entry yesterday as I know I'd have said something that I would have regretted later.

I sympathise with people, and can, (to a point), understand their anger towards France, but I cannot help where my family live, nor can I (or they), change the fact that France is against the war and have no plans to join the fight against Iraq, so why am I being singled out and used as a verbal punch bag???

Believe me, there is plenty that I can say on this matter, but I'm not going to do it here at Diaryland. I don't feel as though I can air my views - especially not now that I am getting hate mail from people, which is a shame. I should be able to write what I like in my diary but with sites like Haters out there in the big wide world, I know if I do I'd get a hell of a lot of backlash, which quite frankly I don't need. I don't think anyone does - not now - not ever.

So, if you were one of the cruel sick f**kers that sent me one of those e-mails you aren't going to get me to open up here and publicly slag you off. There's enough fighting going on at the moment, without starting another war in my guestbook.

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