Is He Testing Me???

Do you ever get sick and tired of someone talking about someone else non-stop? Well that's how I'm feeling right now.

Mr B works with a girl called Chloe who is truely gifted musically. She not only has an amazing voice, but she also plays the saxaphone, piano, violin and guitar, and writes her own songs too. Needless to say she also has her own band, and for the last few months she has been doing 'showcases' in London where there are talent scouts and record producers looking for new acts. So far she has made it through the first few rounds, and last night she got through to their equivalent of the semi-finals. I'm really pleased for her. I've heard some of her songs and she really is gifted, and I'm not the only one that thinks it.

So far Mr B has been to every single one of her gigs. He says he's supporting her, (she is a work colleague afterall), and at first I didn't mind too much. I thought it was nice that he wanted to show that he was behind her 100%, but now all I ever get is Chloe this, and Chloe that, Chloe did this at work, Chloe done this last night, and I'm fed up of it. I feel like I'm getting a running commentary of her life, and quite frankly I don't want to know.

I know that this is making me sounds like a complete jealous cow, and it really isn't like that at all. I'd never stop him doing something he wanted to, or stop him from seeing his friends, and deep down inside he knows that. Besides, if I did he'd only end up resenting me.

I honestly don't mind the fact that Mr B is friends with Chloe - in fact she's a lovely person, and has worked hard to get where she is now. I'm just fed up of having her rammed down my throat all the time. It'd be exactly the same if he kept going on about some guy from work too. I mean, yes I do take an interest in his friends, but there is talking about them, then there's talking about them you know??? I'm just not sure how to go about mentioning this to him without sounding like I'm trying to dictate who he can and can't socialise with, and without sounding like the jealous girlfriend stuck at home.

Part of me is wondering if he's doing it to see how I'm going to react - you know the kind of thing that I'm talking about - if I get jealous it shows I care; if I don't then I don't. This is exactly the kind of thing he'd do to 'test' me.....

I don't know. Maybe it'd be best if I say nothing at all. We haven't been fighting lately, and I certainly don't want to start it up again.

Maybe I'm just hormonal???

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