
My Mum is absolutely amazing!!!!! I know that everyone says that about their parents, but it's true. To me my Mum has been more than amazing and I don't know what I would do without her.

Recently, as part of my course, we have been looking at carers such as nurses, and also informal carers such as my Mum, (informal carers are people that don't get paid for looking after someone), and it's made me realise just how much she actually does for me. When I break it down she has had to put up with so much more than me... yes I am the one that's ill, but she is the one who has had the emotional and physical strain to cope with. She is the one who to work, who does all the housework, pays all the bills, does all the shopping, goes to the bank for me, collects my prescriptions, helps me up and down stairs when I am too weak to do it alone, accompanies me to every hospital/doctors appointment, cooks my meals - shes even helping me do my course by typing my notes for me. I could go on and on about how she helps me, so I'll stop here; I think you are getting the general idea. She literally does everything for me.....

Which is why I want to do something for her in return. It's my Mums birthday soon and I've been trying really hard to think of something totally unique, yet inexpensive to get her or do for her. I'm stuck. I'm so crap at buying presents it's unreal. I think I'm one of the select few members of the female species that hates going shopping and avoids it at all costs. Looking for something on the internet, although easy and impersonal, would be a simple solution for me, but seeing as I don't have a credit card I'm not going to get very far..... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

On a different note I got another review back today and I actually got 100/100 which I have to say made my day. Thank you CK Reviews.

I've also added a guestmap, so if you are reading this it'd be great if you could go and sign it - it's looking a little empty at the moment!

Hope you are all having a great weekend so far - as for me, I'm off to have a nice long bath before going to bed. See you soon!

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