By Chance & Occupational Therapy (Part 10)

I've been quite a busy bee today..... well,.....busy for me anyway!

This afternoon I was supposed to have an appointment with Claire, my Occupational Therapsit; only when I arrived at the hospital I was told by another therapist that Claire was on a training day today and that someone should have called me to re-arrange the appointment. I didn't get a phonecall. I wouldn't have minded quite as much if they had just made a new appointment for me without any fuss - I mean everyone makes mistakes right???, but this other therapist kept trying to tell me that I must have got my days and dates mixed up, and that it was my own fault I had wasted �15.00 on cab fares. I had my appointment card in my hand already so that I could write down the new date, so I showed the therapist that I wasn't 'confused', but she still wouldn't admit that they were the ones in the wrong - she had to go and get the appointment diary to 'prove to me' that she was right. It kind of backfired though, because although all todays appointments for Claire had been tippexed out you could still see my name. Did I get an apology??? No Chance!

I went to see my GP today too about this lump in my neck, and to order another months supply of all my medication. Apparently the candida is beginning to clear, (finally), but I still need more pastilles to help it on its way. The pain in my wrist and neck is more than likely due to my M.E, but on top of this she diagnosed a chest infection, an ear infection and pharyngitis, all of which I've been given anti-biotics for. No wonder I've been feeling so ill lately with all that going on! Apparently my glands are all swollen because of the infections, so it's hard to tell what the lump is, but shes pretty certain that it's not my lymph glands like I feared. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

By now you are all probably thinking that I'm a hypochondriac, but being sick in the first place it's hard to tell a lot of the time what new symptoms are. I had no idea that I had pharyngitis - it was only the fact that my doctor looked in my mouth to see the candida that it was spotted. I just thought my throat was getting worse as sore throats are another symptom of M.E. Great huh???

At least my mind has been put at rest, and I can try and sleep easier tonight.

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