Valentines Day

Just in case you have been hibernating, or have just arrived from another planet, (in which case welcome to Earth), today (sorry to state the obvious) is Valentines Day.

In the post this morning I got a card and gift from Becky, and I also got e-cards from Rachel, Sandy and Becky. Mr B also got me..... wait for it..... not one, but two cards as he couldn't make up his mind which he preferred. I didn't get one last year though so maybe he's making up for it this year??? I wonder! I did get flowers from him last year though, which I didn't today. Maybe next year I'll get both.....

I also got a great message from Denise-Ann, and when I went to read her diary I saw that she'd written the following about me:

Hi! Personally, I think that Some-Trouble really understands what's going on with my friends and me. I really CAN confide in her. Jo can really make my day when I click on the guestbook and see her sweet entries. I thought she was just a 13-year-old girl, but I never thought that she was 23! She can understand me, and I think that she's been through this too, and I think that trusting 'grown-ups' on the net is cool. At least, on Internet, you don't mind what they say because they can let themselves sound sweet and EXTREMELY cool. Jo can easily become my best friend if I like. (And I do!) But with so many friends on Internet these days, she tops my list. Even if she's 23 and I'm 11, she treats me like a friend-not a kid. She gave me great friendship advice, and thanks for those people signing my guestbook! And our dance today really rocked! Even if a few people applauded to our dance of 'Just Got Lucky', they don't even KNOW the song, 'coz it was in the 80's. But, it's not their fault. Anyway, Some-Trouble, thank you for everything!

I know that I don't know her well, but this entry in her diary really touched me, it was such a lovely thing for her to write. Thank you so much Denise!

Tonight I spent a rather un-romantic night baby-sitting Mr B's nephew. He is so cute normally, but he's got a bug at the moment so I ended up geting puked on, which wasn't quite how I planned on spending my evening. Lets just hope he doesn't do the same thing to some poor girl in 20 years time!

Take Care Everyone.

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