Junk Mail

M.E/CFS Update: I think I'm getting another cold, or a bug or something; I've got that feeling you get when you can just tell you're going to get sick - still, maybe that will explain why I have been feeling so exhausted lately. Getting a bug on top of everything else is the last thing I need at the moment. I'm doing quite well on the diet front though. So far it's been 9 days since I ate anything remotely sugary and I'm beginning to crave sweet things. What I wouldn't give for a slice of chocolate cake right now.....

Does anyone else here get bombarded with junk mail??? I seem to get a letter nearly every day from companies and banks offering me credit cards, money off vouchers, adverts for catalogues and sponser a tree/dolpin/elephant/granny, and it's really beginning to get on my nerves. I don't know how to stop them coming though! I would have thought Barclay Card would have got the message by now..... On average I've received one letter a week from them since I was 18, (which makes about 250 letters), and I haven't responded to any of them. Oh well, I'm not the one paying the printing and posting costs, but it's still damn annoying!

A heavy military presence is still in place at Heathrow Airport, and London remains on a high level of security alert because of fears of a possible terrorist attack. Apparently Scotland Yard has refused to reveal the source of the threat though, but terror experts say it points to a possible missile attack on a plane similar to the one carried out by Al-Qaida terrorists in Kenya last year.

Now please stop me here if you think I'm being silly, but there is more than one airport in and around the London area..... what about Gatwick, Luton and Stanstead??? If I were a terrorist I wouldn't attempt to attack the airport that everyone is expecting me to - I'd go somewhere else... somewhere where security wont have been tightened as much; but then what do I know???

I'm just a civilian who happens to live in London.....

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