
I think today went ok..... well, apart from the huge bruise I have on my arm from the blood test and the fact that I threw up all over the nurse.

I didn't think the oral swab would be so bad, but apparently the nurse needed to get the swab itself right to the back of my throat which obviously would make anyone gag. I'm just more prone to being sick than most people. Anyway, the nurse said she was used to it, but I was still extremely embarassed. I mean I'm what..... 23 now! I should be able to control myself better. Geez, if anyone comes near me with a giant cotton bud I'm getting the hell out of here.

Oh, and I would have thought after the amount of blood tests I have had done I would be used to needles, but nooooo - I still felt dizzy and sick (again) afterwards and I swear the woman was a vampire in a former life. The form only had 4 boxes ticked, but she took 7 tubes of blood. I have no idea why!

Now I'm back home and freezing cold. Maybe it's because I have no food and no blood inside me???

Well, now all I have to do is avoid stressing over the next 7 days until I get the results - which for me, as you know, is easier said than done!

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