My third Open University assignment has been marked and returned to me by my tutor. Here's what he had to say:

'This is a concise and well written learning review which I think reflects your progress over the last 3 months. You are clear about which areas you have improved your skills, as well as about further learning needs. As such this should be a valuable tool to help you plan ahead and make the most of any future courses you may wish to participate in. In terms of learning outcomes I have no hesitation in awarding you a 'very well achieved' for this and your two previous assignments.'

I'm so relieved. I know this is only a 'refresher' course for people that have been out of college for some time, and that the real hard work wont begin until the 'proper' course starts in February 2003, but I can't help thinking that maybe returning to my studies wasn't such a bad idea afterall.

We'll just have to see how I get on wont we???

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