I Said 'No!'

'The boyfriend' decided to be a total git again today, simply because I did what Kathy suggested when I said 'No', and stuck to my decision. I've nearly always caved in before as it was easier than arguing, but this has only made him think that if he bullies me he'll get his own way.

On Christmas Day he wants me to go to his parents house so that I can get my Christmas pressie. I told him that to me Christmas is a time for families to be together, and that I'm not going to leave my Mum on her own on Christmas Day, even if it is only for a couple of hours. He's not a happy chappy I can tell you. What he doesn't understand is why I want to stay at home. As long as he gets what he wants no-one elses feelings matter..... not mine, not my Mums, not even his own family seem important to him. I don't know how his Mum and Step-Dad would feel if I showed up anyway - I do get on with his family, but even so, they're going to have a full house already. (There's his Mum and Step-Dad obviously, his sister, her partner and their son, his Aunt and Uncle and his two cousins, his Step-Dads sister and her children, and his Step-Dads Dad).

Anyway, that's not really relevant. I refuse to hurt my Mum in order to please him, and I think he's way out of line even suggesting that I do in the first place.

Ok, rant over!

I began reading a new diary a couple of days ago (Where I Fall), and decided to send the writer a message last night via MSN. Lets just say I was more than a little suprised when I got a reply! We ended up 'talking' for about 5 hours last night about all kinds of things, and despite getting only 3 hours sleep I am glad that we talked for so long. I've made another friend courtesy of diaryland, even if he does like poking his tongue out at me.....

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