The Psychologist 1st Visit

I need to make some changes in my life, but I don't know where to start.

I saw my psychologist for the first time today. Her name is Kathy and instead of being some Sagittarian eating ogre like I had imagined, she was actually quite nice.

We had a long 'assessment' session, where Kathy asked me to complete some questionnaires on depression, anxiety, fatigue etc, and we talked about my M.E/CFS, the depression caused as a direct result of this, and how I view myself and my illness in general. This will give Kathy an insight into how my mind is working (apparently), which will help her plan my treatment ready for January. In the meantime I have to complete a further two questionnaires at home, and keep a 'mood/emotion' diary. I have to take both with me to my next appointment.

I have to admit that I am still a little wary of the actual analysing of my thoughts and talking about my past, but having met Kathy today I think that she may be able to help me quite a lot. She's sympathetic, understanding, patient, a good listener, compassionate and kind - all the things that I would expect a good therapist to be, yet at the same time she is very professional too.

All in all I think it went pretty well, and I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from me..... for now anyway!

I even managed to go into town to get my last couple of Christmas pressies, which is a major achievement, even if I do say so myself. All the pushing and shoving, heated shops, crowds, queues and screaming children etc. are no good for anyone, let alone someone who is sick, so right now I'm pretty damn proud of myself.

So there you go. I did it! I got through today in one (ish) piece, and I honestly don't think I could have done it without the encouragement, support, and advice from you - my friends.

Thank You

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