The Attack Of The Stapler

I still don't think I've recovered from my birthday yet. I'm totally exhausted and believe me it shows. My eyes are relly, really puffy and bloodshot and I look like I've been crying non-stop for a good 2 or 3 hours. (I promise you I haven't).

Did you ever take the vapour strip out of a viks inhaler, (you know, the things that you shove up your nose when you have a cold???), and rub it under your eyes so that the vapour makes them red and water real bad??? No??? - just me then. It worked a treat when I was at school and wanted to get out of doing some horrible maths or p.e. lesson. Anyway, thats kinda how I look now, but without using the viks stick :o) Attractive huh???

Between bouts of eye rubbing and yawning so hard that my mouth could easily have been mistaken for the Dartford tunnel, I actually managed to get a few of my Christmas presents wrapped and ready for sending. It took me ages though as I kept ripping the paper and getting tape everywhere. Oh, and I stapled my finger too; look, see *holds finger up to screen*. It really hurts, so, my advice for today is do not, under any circumstances use a black stapler with (or without) adult supervision - them things should be banned on health grounds.

Righty peeps, this little lady, (did someone say lady???), needs to catch up on some sleep so I guess I'll see you later..... oh, and watch out for lurking staplers.

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