There's Nothing In Black And White

Hello All,

I hope that you're all feeling bright and cheerful and full of the joys of Autumn.

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not. I just got back from seeing my doctor and I'm not a happy bunny at all.....

Back in October I asked my G.P if he could write a report about me and my illness so that I can get disability funding with the Open University.

Well, today I went to see my G.P because my old friend candida is back, and Dr A says he can't find anything in my notes in black and white which says that I definately have M.E. Like hello.....? There's letters from the hospital and the psychiatrist, I'm having CBT and GET, and I've seen a Consultant (who also happens to run Intensive Care at my local hospital), a Neurologist and a Dietitian, yet although all these people seem to agree that I have M.E, there isn't anything written down that says "Jo has been diagnosed with M.E/CFS".

How dumb???

I mean, Dr A happily filled out all the necessary paperwork so that I could claim Disability Living Allowance so what's the difference??? Surely he must have looked through my medical file in order to complete this???

(Just in case you're a new reader my own G.P is on maternity leave at the moment, so Dr A is covering her patients in her absence, which is why he knows little about my medical history).

Anyway, I've been given 2 weeks worth of Diflucan, which is to treat the candida, but if it still comes back Dr A says he's going to refer me back to my consultant at the hospital and recommend that I have more tests, and maybe have another endoscopy (this is where they put a camera down into your stomach).

(I stopped going to see my consultant on a regular basis in January 2002 as he felt that I'd be monitored better by my G.P, and unless there were any significant changes in my symptoms which needed further investigations I was told that I need not return. Nice huh???)

I really, really, really wish I hadn't got out of bed today.....

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